Ear Infections Chiropractor Eagan

Many parents bring their children into our office asking us to treat their ear infections. My first response is that the purpose of chiropractic care is not the treatment of conditions or diseases; rather, it is the restoration of normal body function. I explain that as chiropractors, we work with the nervous system via gentle spinal adjustments. We reduce stress related interference to the nervous system, thereby enhancing all overall body function. I further explain that all systems of the body—muscular, glandular, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, eliminatory, hormonal and immunological—depend on the optimal function of the nervous system. With chiropractic, we focus on nerve system function to enhance all the body’s systems.


Because many parents are unaware of the variety of options available for the treatment of ear infections. As a parent, you have some choices to make on the care of your child. You can either treat the ear infection, or not—that’s your right as a parent. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a watch and wait approach, because the evidence-based research about antibiotics is showing that not only are they ineffective at treating ear infections, but they could actually lead to repeated ear infections in your child.


Ear infections are not a condition you’d normally associate with Eagan chiropractors, but chiropractic care can make a difference when you or your child is suffering from ear infection discomfort. For most people, a trip to the doctor, and then the pharmacy to get antibiotics, is the standard treatment protocol for ear infections, but as you’re about to realize, there are other ways to address the problem.


Ear infections are a Common Childhood Problem

Ear infections and children seem to go hand in hand. Many children tend to get multiple ear infections every year, indicating the likelihood of a larger problem. The infections actually take place in the middle ear when drainage of the Eustachian tube is blocked. What most people don’t know is that this blockage can be a result of restricted movement in the upper vertebrae. When the middle ear doesn’t drain properly, bacteria have a chance to grow and flourish, causing chronic ear infections and the pain that goes along with them.


Chiropractic Adjustments for Ear Infections

Chiropractic adjustments can help reduce the pain of chronic ear infections because they restore proper movement to the vertebrae, allowing the Eustachian tube to drain correctly. When the tube is draining properly, bacteria don’t have a chance to grow, and you can avoid most of the ear infections that cause so much discomfort. Spinal adjustments also help to remove nerve interference that has the potential to weaken the immune system.


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